Ottobre 2021 - Iresdes 4.0

IRESDES 4.0 Workshop on the 14th of october in Venezia Mestre

COMPANY AND TERRITORIAL LEVEL EXPERIENCES OF SOCIAL DIALOGUE’ is a workshop taking place on the 14th of October in Venezia Mestre within the framework of the European project ‘Iresdes4.0’.

The project is implemented by Confimi Industria (lead partner), FIM CISL Veneto, Fondazione ADAPT and European DIGITAL SME Alliance, with the support of Confimi Industria Digitale, Confimi Servizi and IndustrialAll Europe.

The event will last between 10 AM and 1 PM at the meeting room of Cisl Veneto headquarter (in via Torino 103 in Mestre).

The workshop will attract local and European experts from industry, workers’ representatives and trade unionist, academia and other stakeholders, who will discuss corporate and territorial bargaining of smart working and training for digital skills in SMEs.

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Click here to go to the event’s agenda

Download here ADAPT slide for the event

Click here for the videos of the event

IRESDES 4.0 workshop as a part of ADAPT international conference in Bergamo

“Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue for an Economy and Society” 4.0 “- A focus on digital skills and remote work”. This is the title of the workshop organized as part of the European project IRESDES4.0, of which Confimi Industria is the lead partner, which will be held on Friday November 26th in Bergamo (from 9.30 -12.30 in the Auditorium of Piazza Libertà, corner via Norberto Duzioni).
The workshop is part of the international conference “Work and its Value. Interdisciplinary Reflections on an Ever-Changing Concept ”, organized by the ADAPT School of Higher Education in Work and Industrial Relations and the International Labor Organization (ILO). An important and perfectly consistent context with the workshop that will bring together representatives of national and local institutions, employers’ and trade union organizations, professionals and scholars interested in the project, for an analysis in a comparative and international perspective. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and disseminate the preliminary results of the project, with specific reference to the Italian context.
The workshop will open with welcome greetings and an introduction to the event by the president of Confimi Industria, Paolo Agnelli. Andrea Orlando – Minister of Labor and Social Policies, was also invited to speak. It will then be the turn of the interventions by Paolo Gubitta – scientific director of the Digital Professions and Hybrid Works Observatory of the University of Padua, Stefania Marassi – Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the University of The Hague (Netherlands) and Stavroula Demetriades – senior research manager of Eurofound. Below we will get to the heart of the description of the project results, by Margherita Roiatti and Diletta Porcheddu – respectively senior and junior researcher of the ADAPT Foundation. The conclusions will instead be entrusted to Sebastiano Toffaletti – general secretary of the European and Italian DIGITAL SME Alliance, to Cristiana Pauletti – referent for the training of FIM CISL Veneto and to Domenico Galia, president of Confimi Industria Digitale.





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