Project Structure
Project coordination, risk management and quality assurance
will ensure a smooth management of the project by coordinating consortium’s work by securing the high quality of project outputs and deliverables along with implementing monitoring, quality assurance and risk management system across all WPs.
Preparatory desk research, fact finding and interviews with social partners
will produce one of the project milestones: Report on the state-of-art regarding the smart working and digital skills development in the social dialogue practices and the Collective Labour Agreements.
Expert workshops and results’ validation
Under this WP, expert workshops with the national social partners (worker unions and employer representatives) from across the EU will be organised. These workshops will foster collaboration and enable knowledge sharing among the social partners, will engage the social partners and their support towards the project results, ensuring the sustainability and uptake of the developed recommendations.
Development of Recommendations
aims to develop recommendations for social partners on addressing smart working and on-work digital skills development within the CLAs and through social dialogue practices.
Communication, stakeholder engagement and impact
amplification will ensure visibility, uptake of the project outcomes and a long-term sustainability of the developed recommendations by planning and conducting communication activities.
The project will strengthen the social dialogue by providing guidelines and recommendations to enhance smart working and digital skills development.