President of Confimi Industria, Paolo Agnelli, at the workshop of Iresdes 4.0
“The processes of computerization and digitization of production and organizational processes began many years ago. We have witnessed the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning within our companies”. Those are the words of the president of Confimi Industria, Paolo Agnelli at the workshop of Iresdes 4.0 project, held last novembre in Bergamo, which was attended by over 70 stakeholders, entrepreneurs and trade unionists. It was part of the international conference “Work and its Value. Interdisciplinary Reflections on an Ever-Changing Concept ”, organized by the ADAPT School of Higher Education on Occupational Transitions and Labor Relations and the International Labor Organization (ILO).
“For manufacturing, this translates into an improvement in terms of quality and manufacturing tolerances. At the same time, however, the skills that our technicians and collaborators must have have changed and will change, for this reason the subject of training is of equal importance to the digitization of processes. It is clear that there is a need to update skills and reorganize the work system, consequently revising employment contracts that take these transformations into account. – continued Agnelli – The verification of the adequate digital skills of the workforce, which takes into account demographic adjustments, is therefore crucial, in order not to leave behind – for example – older workers who were trained years ago and may not be prepared for the new context economic and productive “concluded the president Agnelli.