IRESDES 4.0 at the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Telecommunications
April 13th, 2022- IRESDES 4.0 at Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Telecommunications Working Group Meeting held by UNI-EUROPA and ETNO last march 21th. The research results were submitted by the project partners Sebastiano Toffaletti of DIGITAL SME and Margherita Roiatti and Diletta Porcheddu of ADAPT.
The Committee, held by videoconference in english, french, portuguese and polish, started with the introduction of the new SDC president, Mariana Guez, and went on with the section “Digital Skills & Training”, of which IRESDES 4.0 was a part. Other section was dedicated to the Third Party Violence project.
Also always current themes as remote working and sustainability have been treated in two different focuses. In particular, a potential new project on sustainability was submitted, with attention on the role of social partners within the twin transition to transform into a just transition.
An opportunity of great prestige for the project IRESDES 4.0 which the partners can share the results of its research with EU stakeholders and experts.