International call to set up a board of international experts representing employers and trade unions
Iresdes 4.0 project is coming to life, which aims to find more suitable solutions to innovate collective bargaining in SMEs and support the development of digital skills in workers through the collaboration of the social partners.
After the kick off last March, project activities have begun which are also leading to the establishment, through the lively response to an international call, of a european stakeholders board representing both employers and trade unions, dedicated to develop the social dialogue. The experts will have to give their precious contribution to the discussion that will lead to the main expected result of the project: a series of recommendations to innovate the collective labor agreements applied in SMEs, in light of the notable innovations that Industry 4.0 has brought to the world of work, as well as the use of teleworking in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Expert feedback will be collected through online consultation tools and during 3 international meetings and a final conference, to be organized as part of the project, within two years of its inception.
The first of the meetings with the leading experts will be held at the end of November – presumably in presence – in Bergamo (the partnership is, however, preparing the necessary technologies to allow them to participate remotely). The important project appointment could also take place as part of the broader international event organized by the partner ADAPT on related issues. A first part, open to the public, will be dedicated to promoting the project and disseminating its progress. A second part, behind closed doors, will instead be more technical and dedicated to the work carried out up to then by the experts’ table.